Trailer of Louis Malle's film Ascenseur pour l'échafaud (Elevator to the Gallows, France 1957), featuring Jeanne Moreau and the original soundtrack by Miles Davis. This is not Electric Miles, but one of the highest points in the Music/Music for films history, and deserves a little space here too...
Miles Davis playing 'Generique' in Louis Malle's Ascenseur pour l'echafaud, 1957 plus an interview with the director. Sadly, one of the most perfect pieces of music ever has been used for a shitty TV ad. That's the world, folks...
"Miles post mortem". Un court documentaire de Pierre-Yves Borgeaud sur le producteur Bill Laswell qui remixe (recontruction & mix translation) dans son studio à Brooklyn les bandes originales de Miles Davis 1969-1974 pour l'album "Panthalassa". Diffusé dans ler magazine Tracks, Arte (1998, 5').
Harvey Brooks played Electric Bass on the Miles Davis classic, Bitches Brew. In this edition of his "View from the Bottom," video blog, Harvey shares his memories of Miles, and the session itself.
Miles Davis (trumpet) Chick Corea (keyboards) Wayne Shorter (saxophone) Dave Holland (bass) Jack DeJohnette (drums)
Disc 1 (first set) 1. Directions (J. Zawinul) 6:51 2. Directions/This 4:31 3. This (C. Corea) (incomplete) 5:02 4. ‘Round Midnight (B. Hanighen-C. Williams-T. Monk) 10:47 5. I Fall in Love Too Easily (S. Cahn-J. Styne) 1:47 6. Masqualero (W. Shorter) (with applause) 12:17
Disc 2 (second set) 1. Bitches Brew (M. Davis) 15:06 2. Miles Runs the Voodoo Down (M. Davis) 15:08 4. Agitation (M. Davis) 8:16 4. I Fall in Love Too Easily (S. Cahn-J. Styne) 2:06 5. Sanctuary (W. Shorter-M. Davis) 3:44
Details Paperback: 448 pages Publisher: Simon & Schuster (September 15, 1990) Language: English ISBN-10: 0671725823 ISBN-13: 978-0671725822 Dimensions: 9 x 6.1 x 1.2 inches
MILES OF WORDS by Mike Zwerin
It's too bad "Miles," the autobiography of Miles Davis, wasn't a compact disc. There's some good shit there but...please excuse the four-letter word. Reading this book gets you accustomed to being in their company. You would like to be able to program only half the tracks.
"Miles," though written "with" Quincy Troupe, does not lean on a ghost. It does not go begging for the mass market and it is anything but one of those "I love everybody and everybody loves me" puff jobs.
The musical passages deserve to be collected into a pamphlet for required reading in conservatories. There's material about racism in music that everybody knows but few people come out and say. The progammable half also contains some stranger than fiction information about colleagues and stars and ex-wives and girlfriends. There's enough gossip and sex, drugs and violence for one and all.
But you would expect somebody called the "Prince of Silence" to choose his words with more care. He calls it "no respect" when Ornette Colemen first "tried to play trumpet and violin. ...He couldn't play either one of those instruments. That was an insult to people like me and Diz [Gillespie]. I certainly wouldn't walk up on stage and try to play saxophone if I couldn't play." Whatever happened to the benefit of the doubt?
"Miles" is riddled with redundancy (we are told he learned phrasing from Frank Sinatra and Orson Welles at least three times), unnecessary detail ("'Freddie Freeloader' was a song named after this black guy I knew who was always seeing what he could get from you for free") and crippled prose ("my only connection with the outside world was mostly through watching television"). All of it buried under a heavy load of scatology.
Lenny Bruce taught us that there are no dirty words, just dirty minds. But the tone here is sour; sheer quantity offends. Irony, ambiguity and grace rarely enter the picture. The relationship of spoken to written words is like that of live improvisation to a recording. This reads like the first take of a master who doesn't want to bother hanging around the studio. (Word was out that he hasn't read his book and doesn't intend to).
It would be easy to criticize the editing but you can understand a collaborator not wanting to push the personality presented here too hard. People are afraid of him, he admits, "because of my reputation for bluntness and liking to be left alone."
After firing his manager, David Franklin, after the latter negotiated a seven-figure recording contract with Warner Brothers that gives the recording company publishing rights (without explaining why he himself signed it), the prince proves his mastery of revenge (which, as we have been told by Archie Bunker, is the best way to get even): "That's why you don't see my songs on my new albums: Warner Brothers would get the rights to use those tunes, not me. So until we renegotiate that point, you're going to always see someone else's tunes on my records."
Toward the end of his relationship with his wife - the actress Cicely Tyson - they had an argument and she "jumped up on my back and pulled my hair weave right out of my head." He slapped her and "before I knew it I slapped her again." He "punched out" his road manager Jim Rose "upside the head" in a dispute over money. Obviously, both deserved it.
He fired his nephew, the drummer Vincent Wilburn, because he kept "dropping the time." (Is that really essential public information?) Miles's sister and her husband both called asking that he at least wait until after a concert in Chicago, their home, so it would be less embarrassing for their son. Miles refused: "Music don't have friends like that." He admits to not being a "proper father, but that just wasn't my thing."
He used every drug from the Golden Triangle to Medellin by way of Cognac and Virginia (four packs a day). He stopped because he had a stroke and anyway it was getting boring. Which rings true. There is, thankfully, no moralizing. However, when he says that the only thing wrong with cocaine is that you can get busted for it, this is inconsistent at the very least. But he's even up-front about copping out: "I have few regrets and little guilt. Those regrets I do have I don't want to talk about."
So many people disappointed him - Bird, Duke, Blakey. This insomniac seemed to spend his time with his valet in his Central Park South apartment and Malibu beach house, brooding and stroking his ego: "Some of the critics were talking about how aloof I was, but that didn't bother me; I had been this way all my life." He and John Coltrane did not get along at first because "my silence and evil looks probably turned him off."
The author looks in the mirror and says to himself how handsome he is.
"Many people he's known don't call any more," Quincy Troupe told Vanity Fair. "I saw Max Roach and Sonny Rollins the other day. They said 'How's Miles?' They used to all be like brothers. Miles still says 'Max is my brother.' But they don't see each other."
Only music - and Gil Evans - never let him down.
About the present vs the past: "When I hear musicians today playing all those same licks we used to play so long ago, I feel sad for them. I mean, it's like going to bed with a real old person who even smells real old. Now, I'm not putting down old people because I'm getting older myself. But I got to be honest, and that's what it reminds me of. Most people my age like old, stuffy furniture. I like bold colors and long, sleek spare lines."
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a professor of the Department of Psychology at the University of Chicago... and an authority on creativity.
The way his theory of creativity works - is that if you have what you feel is a great and novel idea... and potentially you get these ideas all the time... and maybe you also happen to dapple with art and have done some paintings recently that your friends like, and you're a good cook, etc.... this sort of 'stuff' doesn't make you creative. It makes you interesting and talented: - one who experiences the world in novel and original ways - has 'fresh' perceptions / insightful judgments - an innate ability to do something very well, etc.
What separates this type of person from someone truly Creative (with a capital C) is that a Creative person leaves a trace in the cultural matrix... does something that allows humankind to go beyond it's present power... more specifically, he or she: 1. masters a domain (i.e. art, physics, law, music, etc.) and develops something 'better' within that domain that is understandable to others
"The old Italian saying applies here: Impara l'arte, e mettila da parte (learn the craft, and then set it aside). One cannot be creative without learning what others know, but then one cannot be creative without becoming dissatisfied with that knowledge and rejecting it (or some of it) for a better way."
2. that 'development' then needs approval of the experts in the field, and finally, 3. it must be included in the cultural domain to which it belongs -- a very difficult task, obviously. So, Steve Jobs is creative, Bill Gates, Edison, Picasso, Einstein, Nobel Prize winners, John Lennon, etc. whereas a 'personally creative' individual contributes nothing of permanent significance -- sad, but true.
So, yes, by this definition, "van Gogh's creativity came into being when a sufficient number of art experts felt that his paintings had something important to contribute to the domain of art... w/o such a response, van Gough would have remained what he was, a disturbed man who painted strange canvases."
It's therefore so ridiculously difficult to develop something of 'lasting significance' -- would we be better off primarily listening to music by these truly Creative people who are so unique? Or should we just stick to what we 'like'...
There was a study done that measured the happiness of people who favored trying new foods versus those who mainly ordered meals they knew they liked. The result: people that simply ordered what they knew they liked were happier with their selections, overall... but that's just a random study I remember from college -- and I don't think it applies here, because when someone tried a new meal, it wasn't from a Creative chef.
In terms of music -- I'm not sure there is an answer. However, this week I have a song (actually, part of a song) from one of the most influential musicians of our time, Miles Davis. If you listen and don't like it, all I think it means is that you haven't heard enough of his stuff -- that's about it. But, given Miles Davis is who he is - the burden is on us to figure out why it's good. I personally happen to like this song because of the way he builds the tension... the song is sort of like going up the front part of a roller coaster - the further up you go the greater the suspense, as you're waiting anxiously for something drastic to happen. Same thing with this song, only rather than there being a steep cliff to release the tension - there is a symbol hit at the apex of the tune... and they tease you a bit as well, making it sound as though you're about to reach 'the top' when you haven't just yet. Quite honestly, it's one of those songs where in order to get the full effect you kinda need to just chill on your couch and close your eyes. They build it up really slowly though -- whenever I pay close attention to the entire tune the tension they build can be quite fascinating.
Miles Davis live at Antibes Jazz Festival, Antibes, France, 1969: Spanish Key Miles Davis (tpt); Wayne Shorter (ss, ts); Chick Corea (el-p); Dave Holland (b, el-b); Jack De Johnette (d)
Details: Paperback: 688 pages Publisher: Da Capo Press (December 20, 2006) Language: English ISBN-10: 1560259671 ISBN-13: 978-1560259671 Product Dimensions: 8 x 5.5 x 1.8 inches
Description This exhaustively researched, revised edition of Ian Carr's classic biography throws new light on Davis' life and career: from the early days in New York with Charlie Parker; to the Birth of Cool; through his drug addiction in the early 1950s and the years of extraordinary achievements (1954-1960), during which he signed with Columbia and collaborated with such unequaled talents as John Coltrane, Bill Evans, Wynton Kelly and Cannonball Adderly. Carr also explores Davis' dark, reclusive period (1975-1980), offering firsthand accounts of his descent into addiction, as well as his dramatic return to life and music. Carr has talked with the people who knew Miles and his music best including Bill Evans, Joe Zawinul, Keith Jarrett, and Jack DeJohnette, and has conducted interviews with Ron Carter, Max Roach, John Scofield and others.
About the Author
Ian Carr was born in Scotland and educated at Kings College, Newcastle. He is a professional musician who has done regular jazz broadcasts for BBC Radio 3 and has written for the BBC Music Magazine. He is the author of Music Outside (1973) and Keith Jarrett, the Man and his Music (1991).
You can look inside the book here You can find it here
Philharmonie, Berlin (Germany) Sender Freies Berlin TV broadcast Miles Davis Quintet
Miles Davis (tpt); Wayne Shorter (ss, ts); Chick Corea (el-p); Dave Holland (b, el-b); Jack De Johnette (d); Joachim-Ernst Berendt (ann)
The program: Directions (J. Zawinul) 6:46 Bitches Brew (M. Davis) 13:39 It's About That Time (M. Davis) 14:11 I Fall in Love Too Easily (S. Cahn-J. Styne) 3:44 Sanctuary (W. Shorter-M. Davis) 3:51 The Theme (M. Davis) (with applause) 1:14
Tivoli Konsertsal, Copenhagen (Denmark) Danish Radio broadcast Miles Davis Quintet
Miles Davis (tpt); Wayne Shorter (ss, ts); Chick Corea (el-p); Dave Holland (b, el-b); Jack De Johnette (d)
Program: Directions (J. Zawinul) 6:57 Miles Runs the Voodoo Down (M. Davis) 8:58 Bitches Brew (M. Davis) 15:35 Agitation (M. Davis) 10:25 I Fall in Love Too Easily (S. Cahn-J. Styne) 3:40 Sanctuary (W. Shorter-M. Davis) 3:28 It's About That Time (M. Davis) 18:55 The Theme (M. Davis) (with applause) 0:35
Legendary trumpeter and St. Louis area native Miles Davis is one of the most talked-about and written-about musicians of the late 20th century, and he's now the subject of yet another book, Miles on Miles, which collects 30 interviews from various periods of Davis' storied career.
The blurb from publishers Lawrence Hill Books describes the volume as "essential reading for anyone who wants to know what Miles Davis thought about his music, life, and philosophy. Miles on Miles reveals the jazz icon as a complex and contradictory man, secretive at times but extraordinarily revealing at others. Miles was not only a musical genius, but an enigma, and nowhere else was he so compelling, exasperating, and entertaining as in his interviews, which vary from polite to outrageous, from straight-ahead to contrarian. Even his autobiography lacks the immediacy of the dialogues collected here. Many were conducted by leading journalists like Leonard Feather, Stephen Davis, Ben Sidran, Mike Zwerin, and Nat Hentoff. Others have never before seen print, are newly transcribed from radio and television shows, or appeared in long-forgotten magazines."
Edited by Paul Maher Jr. and Michael K. Dorr, the hardcover tome has 320 pages and a list price of $24.95. Lawrence Hill Books is a division of Chicago Review Press that "specializes in mostly nonfiction on topics of African American and Latino interest, progressive politics, civil and human rights, and feminism." (For what it's worth, they've also published a book on Davis' longtime arranger and collaborator Gil Evans that looks interesting...)
Miles Dewey Davis III (May 26, 1926 – September 28, 1991) is widely considered one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. He was at the forefront of almost every major development in jazz from World War II to the 1990s
Davis's influences included late 1960s acid rock and funk artists such as Sly and the Family Stone, James Brown and Jimi Hendrix, many of whom he met through Betty Mabry, a young model and songwriter Miles married in 1968 and divorced a year later. The musical transition required that Davis and his band adapt to electric instruments in both live performances and the studio.
By the time In a Silent Way had been recorded in February 1969, Davis had augmented his standard quintet with additional players. Hancock and Joe Zawinul were brought in to assist Corea on electric keyboards, and guitarist John McLaughlin made the first of his many appearances. By this point, Shorter was also doubling on soprano saxophone. After recording this album, Williams left to form his group Lifetime and was replaced by Jack DeJohnette.
Six months later, an even larger group of musicians, including Jack DeJohnette, Airto Moreira and Bennie Maupin recorded the double LP Bitches Brew, which became a huge seller, hitting gold record status (half a million copies) by 1976. This album and In a Silent Way were among the first fusions of jazz and rock that were commercially successful, building on the groundwork laid by Charles Lloyd, Larry Coryell, and many others who pioneered a genre that would become known simply as "Jazz-rock fusion".
During this period, Davis toured with the "lost quintet" of Shorter, Corea, Holland and DeJohnette. The group's repertoire included material from Bitches Brew, In a Silent Way, the 1960s quintet albums, and an occasional standard. In 1972, Davis was introduced to the music of Karlheinz Stockhausen by young arranger and cellist, and later Grammy award winner, Paul Buckmaster, leading to a period of new creative exploration for Davis. Biographer J.K.Chambers wrote that "The effect of Davis's study of Stockhausen could not be repressed for long. ... Davis's own 'space music,' shows Stockhausen's influence compositionally." His recordings and performances during this period were described as "space music" by fans, by music critic Leonard Feather, and by Buckmaster who stated: "a lot of mood changes - heavy, dark, intense - definitely space music."
Both Bitches Brew and In a Silent Way feature "extended" (more than 20 minutes each) compositions that were never actually "played straight through" by the musicians in the studio. Instead, Davis and producer Teo Macero selected musical motifs of various lengths from recorded extended improvisations and edited them together into a musical whole which only exists in the recorded version. Bitches Brew made use of such electronic effects as multi-tracking, tape loops and other editing techniques. Both records, especially Bitches Brew, proved to be huge sellers.
Starting with Bitches Brew, Davis' albums began to often feature cover art much more in line with psychedelic art or black power movements than that of his earlier albums. He took significant cuts in his usual performing fees in order to open for rock groups like the Steve Miller Band, the Grateful Dead and Santana. Several live albums were recorded during the early 1970s at such performances: Live at the Fillmore East, March 7, 1970: It's About That Time (March 1970), Black Beauty (April 1970) and Miles Davis at Fillmore: Live at the Fillmore East (June 1970).
By the time of Live-Evil in December 1970, Davis' ensemble had transformed into a much more funk-oriented group. Davis began experimenting with wah-wah effects on his horn. The ensemble with Gary Bartz, Keith Jarrett and Michael Henderson, often referred to as the "Cellar Door band" (the live portions of Live-Evil were recorded at a club by that name), never recorded in the studio, but is documented in the six CD Box Set The Cellar Door Sessions, which was recorded over four nights in December 1970.
In 1970, Davis contributed extensively to the soundtrack of a documentary about the African-American boxer Jack Johnson. Himself a devotee of boxing, Davis drew parallels between Johnson, whose career had been defined by the fruitless search for a Great White Hope to dethrone him, and Davis' own career, in which he felt the establishment had prevented him from receiving the acclaim and rewards that were due him. The resulting album, 1971's Jack Johnson, contained two long pieces that utilized musicians (some of whom were not credited on the record) including guitarists John McLaughlin and Sonny Sharrock, Herbie Hancock on a broken Farfisa organ and drummer Billy Cobham.
As Davis stated in his autobiography, he wanted to make music for the young African-American audience. On The Corner (1972) blended funk elements with the traditional jazz styles he had played his entire career. The album was highlighted by the appearance of saxophonist Carlos Garnett. The record provoked fierce disparagement from many critics, with one British critic noting: "I love Miles, but this is where I get off." In his autobiography, Davis stated that this criticism was made because no critic could categorize this music and complained that the album was promoted by the "traditional" jazz radio stations.
After recording On the Corner, Davis put together a new band, with only Michael Henderson, Carlos Garnett and percussionist Mtume returning from the previous band. It included guitarist Reggie Lucas, tabla player Badal Roy, sitarist Khalil Balakrishna and drummer Al Foster. It was unusual in that none of the sidemen were major jazz instrumentalists; as a result, the music emphasized rhythmic density and shifting textures instead of individual solos. This group, which recorded in the Philharmonic Hall for the album In Concert (1972), was unsatisfactory to Davis. Through the first half of 1973, he dropped the tabla and sitar, took over keyboard duties, and added guitarist Pete Cosey.
The Davis/Cosey/Lucas/Henderson/Mtume/Foster ensemble would remain virtually intact over the next two years. Initially, Dave Liebman played saxophones and flute with the band. In 1974, he was replaced by Sonny Fortune. Big Fun (1974) was a double album containing four long jams, recorded between 1969 and 1972. Similarly, Get Up With It (1974) collected recordings from the previous five years. Get Up With It included "He Loved Him Madly", a tribute to Duke Ellington, as well as one of Davis' most lauded pieces from this era, "Calypso Frelimo". This was his last studio album of the 1970s.
In 1974 and 1975, Columbia recorded three double-LP live Davis albums: Dark Magus, Agharta and Pangaea. Dark Magus is a 1974 New York concert; the latter two are recordings of consecutive concerts from the same February 1975 day in Osaka, Japan. At the time, only Agharta was available in the US; Pangaea and Dark Magus were initially released only by CBS/Sony Japan. All three feature at least two electric guitarists (Reggie Lucas and Pete Cosey, deploying an array of post-Hendrix electronic distortion devices; Dominique Gaumont is a third guitarist on Dark Magus), electric bass, drums, reeds, and Davis on electric trumpet and organ. These albums were the last he was to record for five years.
Davis was troubled by osteoarthritis (which led to a hip replacement operation in 1976, the first of several), sickle-cell anemia, depression, bursitis, ulcers and a renewed dependence on alcohol and drugs (primarily cocaine), and his performances were routinely panned throughout late 1974 and early 1975. By the time the group reached Japan in February 1975, Davis was teetering on a physical breakdown and required copious amounts of vodka and narcotics to complete his engagements. After a Newport Jazz Festival performance at Avery Fisher Hall in New York on July 1, 1975, Davis withdrew almost completely from the public eye for six years. As Gil Evans said, "His organism is tired. And after all the music he's contributed for 35 years, he needs a rest."
The Albums: Miles In The Sky 1968 Filles De Kilimanjaro 1968 In A Silent Way 1969 Jazz Greatest Hits 1969 A Tribute to Jack Johnson 1970 Black Beauty: Miles Davis At Fillmore West 1970 Bitches Brew 1970 At Fillmore: Live At The Fillmore East 1970 What I Say, Vol. 1 1971 Live-Evil 1971 On The Corner 1972 In Concert: Live At Philharmonic Hall 1973 Dark Magus: Live At Carnegie Hall 1974 Big Fun 1974 Get Up With It 1974 Agharta 1975 Pangaea 1975 Water Babies 1977 Circle In The Round 1979 Directions 1979
The Miles Davis Discography
1945 Miles Davis - First Miles (Savoy SJL 1196) Charlie Parker Story (Savoy MG 12079) Charlie Parker Memorial, Vol. 2 (Savoy MG 12009) The Immortal Charlie Parker (Savoy MG 12001)
1946 Charlie Parker - Yardbird in Lotus Land (Spotlite (E) SPJ 123) Charlie Parker on Dial, Vol. 1 (Spotlite (E) SPJ 101) Charlie Parker - Alternate Masters, Vol. 2 (Dial LP 905) Charles Mingus - The Young Rebel (Swingtime (E) ST 1010) Baron Mingus - God's Portrait c/w unknown title (not released) (Fentone 2001) V.A. - Jazz Off the Air, Vol. 3 (Spotlite (E) SPJ 148) V.A. - Boning Up the 'Bones (EmArcy MG 36038) Billy Eckstine - Mr. B and the Band (Savoy SJL 2214) Billy Eckstine - The Love Songs of Mr. "B" (EmArcy MG 36030) Billy Eckstine - I Surrender, Dear (EmArcy MG 36010) Billy Eckstine - Blues for Sale (EmArcy MG 36029) Miles Davis - Boppin' the Blues (Black Lion (E) BLP 60102)
1947 Illinois Jacquet and his Tenor Sax (Aladdin AL 803) Charlie Parker - Encores (Savoy SJL 1107) The Genius of Charlie Parker (Savoy MG 12014) Charlie Parker Memorial, Vol. 1 (Savoy MG 12000) Coleman Hawkins/Howard McGhee/Lester Young - A Date with Greatness (Imperial LP 9188-A) Charlie Parker - The Complete Savoy Studio Sessions (Savoy SJL 5500) Charlie Parker on Dial, Vol. 4 (Spotlite (E) SPJ 104) Charlie Parker - The Bird Blows the Blues (Dial LP 901) Charlie Parker - Alternate Masters, Vol. 1 (Dial LP 904) Charlie Parker on Dial, Vol. 5 (Spotlite (E) SPJ 105) Charlie Parker on Dial, Vol. 6 (Spotlite (E) SPJ 106) Charlie Parker - Crazeology c/w Crazeology, II: 3 Ways of Playing a Chorus (Dial 1034) Charlie Parker, Vol. 4 (Dial LP 207)
1948 Gene Roland Band featuring Charlie Parker - The Band That Never Was (Spotlite (E) SPJ 141) Charlie Parker - Bird's Eyes, Vol. 6 (Philology (It) 214W 29) Charlie Parker - Bird on 52nd St. (Jazz Workshop JWS 501) Charlie Parker (Prestige PR 24009) Charlie Parker - Bird at the Roost, Vol. 1 (Savoy Jazz ZDS 4411/12) Newly Discovered Sides by Charlie Parker (Savoy MG 12186) Charlie Parker - The 'Bird' Returns (Savoy MG 12179) Miles Davis - Nonet 1948 - Jam 1949 (Royal Jazz (D) RJD 514) Charlie Parker - Miles Davis - Lee Konitz (Ozone 2) The Persuasively Coherent Miles Davis (Alto AL 701) Hooray for Miles Davis, Vol. 1 (Session Disc 101) Charlie Parker - Bird's Eyes, Vol. 1 (Philology (It) 214W 5) Charlie Parker - Live Performances (ESP-Disk' ESP 3000) Charlie Parker on the Air, Vol. 1 (Everest FS 214)
1949 The Metronome All Stars - From Swing to Be-Bop (RCA Camden CAL 426) Miles Davis - Birth of the Cool (Capitol T 792) Miles Davis - The Complete Birth of the Cool (Capitol M 11026) V.A. - Tadd Dameron Big 10 and Royal Roost Jam (Beppo (E) BEP 503) Charlie Parker - Rara Avis Avis, Rare Bird (Stash STCD 21) V.A. - Strictly Be-Bop: Capitol Jazz Classics, Vol. 13 "Be Bop Professors" (Capitol (J) 5C 052 851) The Miles Davis/Tadd Dameron Quintet in Paris Festival International de Jazz, May, 1949 (Columbia JC 34804) Miles Davis/Tadd Dameron - Sensation '49: A Document from the Paris Jazz Festival 1949 (Phontastic (Swd) PHONT 7602) Charlie Parker - Bird in Paris (Bird in Paris CP 3) V.A. - Stars of Modern Jazz Concert at Carnegie Hall (IAJRC 20)
1950 Charlie Parker - Birth of the Bebop: Bird on Tenor 1943 (Stash ST 260) Miles Davis - Dick Hyman - Sonny Stitt (Ozone 1) Here Are Stan Getz and Miles Davis (Kings of Jazz (It) KLJ 20013) Sarah Vaughan in Hi-Fi (Columbia CL 745) Miles Davis All Stars and Gil Evans (Beppo (E) BEP 502) Hooray for Miles Davis, Vol. 2 (Session Disc 102)
1951 Miles Davis and Horns (Prestige PRLP 7025) Miles Davis - Early Miles (Prestige PR 7674) Sonny Rollins with the Modern Jazz Quartet, Art Blakey, Kenny Drew (Prestige PRLP 7029) The Genius of Charlie Parker, #8 - Swedish Schnapps (Verve MGV 8010) The Magnificent Charlie Parker (Clef MGC 646) The Metronome All Stars - All Star Sessions (Capitol M 11031) V.A. - Conception (Prestige PRLP 7013) Miles Davis - Eddie 'Lockjaw' Davis - Art Blakey (Ozone 7) Miles Davis - Dig (Prestige PRLP 7012)
1952 Jimmy Forrest and Miles Davis Live at the Barrel (Prestige PR 7858) Miles Davis/Jimmy Forrest - Lady Bird (Jazz Showcase LP 5004) Miles Davis - Rare Unreleased Broadcasts (Yadeon (J) 502) V.A. - Woman in Jazz, Vol. 3 (Stash ST 113) Miles Davis and his All Stars (Ozone 8) Miles Davis, Vol. 1 (Blue Note BLP 1501) Miles Davis - Complete 1st and 3rd Sessions on Blue Note (Blue Note CDP 7 81501-2) Miles Davis, Vol. 2 (Blue Note BLP 1502)
1953 Miles Davis - Collector's Items (Prestige PRLP 7044) Miles Davis - Hi-Hat All Stars Recorded Live at Hi-Hat, Boston 1955 (Fresh Sound (Sp) FSR 302) Miles Davis - Complete 2nd Session on Blue Note (Blue Note CDP 7 81502-2) Miles Davis - Blue Haze (Prestige PRLP 7054) Charlie Parker - Bird Meets Birks (Mark Gardner (E) MG 102) Miles Davis and the Lighthouse All-Stars - At Last! (Contemporary C 7645)
1954 Miles Davis - Walkin' (Prestige PRLP 7076) Miles Davis - Bags' Groove (Prestige PRLP 7109) Miles Davis and the Modern Jazz Giants (Prestige PRLP 7150) 1955 Miles Davis - The Musings of Miles (Prestige PRLP 7007) Miles Davis - Blue Moods (Debut DEB 120) Miles Davis - Miscellaneous Davis 1955-1957 (Jazz Unlimited (Swd) JUCD 2050) Miles Davis and Milt Jackson Quintet/Sextet (Prestige PRLP 7034) Miles Davis - The Legendary Prestige Quintet Sessions (Prestige 4PRCD 4444-2) The Complete Columbia Recordings of Miles Davis with John Coltrane (Mosaic MQ9 191) Miles Davis - Circle in the Round (Columbia KC2 36278) Miles Davis - 'Round About Midnight (Columbia CL 949) Miles Davis - Basic Miles (Columbia C 32025) Miles Davis - The Columbia Years 1955-1985 (Columbia C5X 45000) V.A. - Jazz Omnibus (Columbia CL 1020) Miles Davis - Miles (Prestige PRLP 7014)
1956 Workin' with the Miles Davis Quintet (Prestige PRLP 7166) Steamin' with the Miles Davis Quintet (Prestige PRLP 7200) Relaxin' with the Miles Davis Quintet (Prestige PRLP 7129) Miles Davis Quintet at Peacock Alley (VGM/Soulard VGM-SOU 1997) Leonard Bernstein - What Is Jazz (Columbia CL 919) The Brass Ensembles of the Jazz and Classical Music Society - Music for Brass (Columbia CL 941) Cookin' with the Miles Davis Quintet (Prestige PRLP 7094) Lester Young Meets Miles, M.J.Q. and the Jack Teagarden All Stars (Unique Jazz UJ 014) Miles Davis/Bud Powell/Art Tatum - Unreleased Performances (Teppa 76)
1957 Miles Davis - Miles Ahead (Columbia CL 1041) Miles Davis - Miles Ahead (stereo) (Columbia/Legacy CK 40784) Miles Davis - John Coltrane - Sonny Rollins (Ozone 18) Miles Davis - Makin' Wax (Chakra (It) TH 100 MD) Rene Urtreger en Concerts (Carlyne Music (F) CAR 006) Miles Davis - Ascenseur pour L'echafaud (Fontana (F) 662 213-TR) Miles Davis - Ascenseur pour L'echafaud: Complete Recordings (Fontana (F) 836 305-2) Miles Davis - The Complete Amsterdam Concert 1957 (Celluloid (It) 668 232)
1958 Miles Davis - Milestones (Columbia CL 1193) Cannonball Adderley - Somethin' Else (Blue Note BLP 1595) Cannonball Adderley - Alison's Uncle, Autumn Leaves (Blue Note (J) BNJ 27001) V.A. - The Other Side Blue Note 1500 Series (Blue Note (J) BNJ 61008/10) Miles Davis All Stars featuring John Coltrane and Bill Evans (Jazz Band (E) EB 418) Miles Davis - Jazz Tracks (Columbia CL 1268) Miles Davis - '58 Sessions (Columbia/Legacy CJ 47835) Miles Davis - Black Giants (Columbia PG 33402) Michel Legrand - Legrand Jazz (Columbia CL 1250) Miles Davis/Thelonious Monk - Miles and Monk at Newport (Columbia CL 2178) V.A. - Newport Jazz Festival 1958-59 (FDC (It) 1024) Miles Davis - Porgy and Bess (Columbia CL 1274) Miles Davis - Jazz at Plaza, Vol. 1 (Columbia C 32470) Miles Davis All Stars featuring John Coltrane with Cannonball Adderley (Jazz Band (E) EB 409)
1959 Miles Davis - Kind of Blue (Columbia CL 1355) The Sound of Miles Davis (Toei Video (J) TE M576) The Complete Miles Davis-Gil Evans Studio Recordings (Columbia/Legacy CXK 67397) Miles Davis - Sketches of Spain (Columbia CL 1480)
1960 Miles Davis - Directions (Columbia KC2 36472) Miles Davis en Concert avec Europe 1 (Trema (F) 710455) Miles Davis and John Coltrane Live in Stockholm 1960 (Dragon (Swd) DRLP 90/91) John Coltrane - Bird Note (Bird Note (Swd) no number) Miles Davis/John Coltrane - Copenhagen 1960 (Royal Jazz (D) RJD 501) Miles Davis Quintet Live in Zurich 1960 (Jazz Unlimited (Swd) JUCD 2031) Miles Davis/John Coltrane - Miles and Coltrane Quintet Live, First Time on Records (Unique Jazz UJ 019) Miles Davis - Free Trade Hall, Vol. 1 (Magnetic (Luxe) MRCD 102) Miles Davis Quintet Live in Europe (Jazz Up (It) JU 320) Miles Davis - Free Trade Hall, Vol. 2 (Magnetic (Luxe) MRCD 103) Miles Davis/Sonny Stitt - Stockholm 1960 (Royal Jazz (D) RJD 509) Miles Davis and Sonny Stitt Live in Stockholm 1960 (Dragon (Swd) DRLP 129/30)
1961 Miles Davis - Someday My Prince Will Come (Columbia CL 1656) Miles Davis in Person, Vol. 2 - Saturday Night at the Blackhawk (Columbia CL 1670) Miles Davis in Person, Vol. 1 - Friday Night at the Blackhawk (Columbia CL 1669) Miles Davis - The Complete Blackhawk Sessions (Mosaic Q6 220) V.A. - Who's Who in Jazz (Columbia CL 1765) Miles Davis - Transition (Magnetic (Luxe) MRCD 125) Miles Davis - Circle in the Round (CBS/Sony (J) 36AP 1409/10) Miles Davis at Carnegie Hall (Columbia CL 1812) Miles Davis - Live Miles: More Music from the Legendary Carnegie Hall Concert (Columbia CL 40609)
1962 Miles Davis - Quiet Nights (Columbia CL 2106) V.A. - Jingle Bell Jazz (Columbia CL 1893) Miles Davis - Sorcerer (Columbia CL 2732) Miles Davis - Facets, Vol. 1 (Columbia (F) 21070)
1963 Miles Davis - The Complete 63-64 Columbia Recordings (Mosaic Q10 226) Miles Davis - Seven Steps to Heaven (Columbia CL 2051) Miles Davis - Miles in St. Louis (VGM 0003) IXXI. Miles Davis Quintet Live in St. Louis and Paris 1963 (The Golden Age of Jazz (It) JZCD 371) Miles Davis - Cote Blues (Jazz Music Yesterday (It) JMY 1010-2) Miles Davis in Europe (Columbia CL 2183) Miles Davis at Monterey 1963 Complete (So What! (J) SW 042)
1964 Miles Davis - 'Four' & More (Columbia CL 2453) Miles Davis - My Funny Valentine (Columbia CL 2306) Miles Davis - Miles in Tokyo (CBS/Sony (J) SONX 60064) Miles Davis - Miles in Berlin (CBS (G) SBPG 62976) Miles Davis - Paris, France (Heart Note HN 004) Miles Davis - The Complete Copenhagen Concert 1964 (Magnetic (Luxe) MRCD 117) Miles Davis - Davisiana (Moon (It) MCD 033-2) Miles Davis - All Blues (Musica Jazz (It) MJCD 1090-2) IXXII. Miles Davis Quintet Live in Sindelfingen 1964 (The Golden Age of Jazz (It) JZCD 372) Miles Davis - Seven Steps to Heaven (Jazz Door (It) JD 1225)
1965 Miles Davis - E.S.P. (Columbia CL 2350) Miles Davis - Cookin' at the Plugged Nickel (Columbia CJ 40645) Miles Davis - Complete Live at Plugged Nickel 1965 (CBS/Sony (J) SRCS 5766/72) Miles Davis at Plugged Nickel, Chicago, Vol. 2 (CBS/Sony (J) 23AP 2568) Miles Davis at Plugged Nickel, Chicago, Vol. 1 (CBS/Sony (J) 23AP 2567)
1966 Miles Davis - Gingerbread Boy, At Portland State College (Stone OE 66201) Miles Davis - Miles Smiles (Columbia CL 2601)
1967 The Studio Recordings of Miles Davis Quintet 65-68 (Mosaic Q10 177) Miles Davis - Water Babies (Columbia C 34396) Miles Davis - Nefertiti (Columbia CS 9594) Miles Davis - His Greatest Concert Ever (Jazzman JM 11742) Miles Davis - Tempo di Jazz (Tempo di Jazz (It) CDTJ 703) Miles Davis - No Blues (Jazz Music Yesterday (It) JMY 1003-2)
1968 Miles Davis - Miles in the Sky (Columbia CS 9628) Miles Davis - Filles de Kilimanjaro (Columbia CS 9750) Miles Davis - The Complete in a Silent Way Sessions (Mosaic Q5 209)
1969 Miles Davis - In a Silent Way (Columbia CS 9875) Miles Davis - 1969 Miles: Festiva de Juan Pins (CBS/Sony (J) SRCS 6843) The Selected Works of Chick Corea - Music Forever and Beyond (GRP GRD 5-9819) Miles Davis Interview, 4 Aug., 1969 (Columbia) Miles Davis - Bitches Brew (Columbia GP 26) Miles Davis - Double Image (Moon (It) MCD 010/11-2) IXXIII. Miles Davis Quintets: Bitches Brew Live (The Golden Age of Jazz (It) JZCD 373) Miles Davis - Spanish Key (Lunch for Your Ears (E) LFYE 001) Miles Davis - Paraphernalia (Jazz Music Yesterday (It) JMY 1013-2) Miles Davis - Big Fun (Columbia PG 32866) Miles Davis - The Complete Bitches Brew Sessions (Mosaic MQ6 183)
1970 Miles Davis - Live/Evil (Columbia G 30954) Miles Davis - A Tribute to Jack Johnson (Columbia S 30455) Miles Davis - Hill Auditorium, 2/21/'70 (Jazz Masters (G) JM 006) Miles Davis - It's About That Time: Live at the Fillmore East, March 7, 1970 (Columbia/Legacy C2K 85191) Miles Davis at Fillmore West - Black Beauty (CBS/Sony (J) 28AP 2155/56) Miles Davis - Get Up with It (Columbia KG 33236) Miles Davis at Fillmore (Columbia G 30038) V.A. - The First Great Rock Festivals of the Seventies - Isle of Wight - Atlanta Pop Festival (Columbia G3X 30805) Miles Davis - Fillmore West, 10/17/'70 (Jazz Masters (G) JM 007)
1971 Miles Davis - Lennies on the Turnpike '71 (Jazz Masters (G) JM 001/02) IXXIV. Miles Davis Band: Miles Davis + Keith Jarrett Live (The Golden Age of Jazz (It) JZCD 374) Miles Davis - Neue Stadthalle, Switzerland, 10/22/'71 (Jazz Masters (G) JM 008/09) Miles Davis - Another Bitches Brew (Jazz Door (It) JD 1284/85) Miles Davis - Two Miles Live (Discurious (It) DIS 201) Miles Davis - Berlin and Beyond (Lunch for Your Ears (E) LFYE 006/07) Miles Davis in Sweden 1971 (Miles MD 1) Hooray for Miles Davis, Vol. 3 (Session Disc 123)
1972 Miles Davis - On the Corner (Columbia KC 31906) Miles Davis in Concert (Columbia KG 32092)
1973 Miles Davis - Black Satin (Jazz Masters (G) JM 011/12) Miles Davis - More Live Evil (Zipperdeke (J) ZIP 009) Miles Davis - Ife (Lunch for Your Ears (E) LFYE 002) Miles Davis - "Isle of Wight" (Columbia (F) 450472 1) Miles Davis - Unknown Sessions 1973-1976, Vol. 1 (Kind of Blue (J) KOB 001) Miles Davis - Call It What It Is (Jazz Music Yesterday (It) ME 6403) Miles Davis - Berlin '73 (Jazz Masters (G) JM 003) Miles Davis - Palais des Sports, Paris 1973 (Jazz Masters (G) JM 016)
1974 Miles Davis - Dark Magus (CBS/Sony (J) 28AP 2165/66)
1975 Miles Davis - Agharta (CBS/Sony (J) 28AP 2167/68) Miles Davis - Pangaea (CBS/Sony (J) 28AP 2169/70) Miles Davis - New York Bottom Line 1975 (Jazz Masters (G) JM 017/18)
1980 Miles Davis - The Man with the Horn (Columbia FC 36790)
1981 Miles Davis - Shout (12 inch maxi single) (Columbia AS 1274) Miles Davis - We Want Miles (Columbia C2 38005) V.A. - Jazz Beau Coup. (Columbia Sampler) Miles Davis - Miles! Miles! Miles!: Live in Japan '81 (CBS/Sony (J) SRCS 6513/14)
1982 Miles Davis - Moonlight Shadows (Megadisc) Miles Davis - Spring (Paradise (It) P 1020-2) Miles Davis - The Second Spring (Paradise (It) P 1030) Miles Davis - Star People (Columbia FC 38657) Miles Davis - Forum, N.Y., 12/31/82 (Jazz Masters (G) JM 024)
1983 Miles Davis - In the West (Jazz Masters (G) JM 022/23) Miles Davis - Atmosphere (Four Beat Sounds (It) FBMD 83058/59) Miles Davis - Decoy (Columbia FC 38991) Miles Davis in Warsaw '83 (Poli Jazz (Poland) PSJ X 001)
1984 Miles Davis - You're Under Arrest (Columbia FC 40023) Miles Davis - This Is Miles!, Vol. 2 (CBS/Sony (J))
1985 Miles Davis - Aura (Columbia C2X 45332) Miles Davis - Miles Under Arrest: Live 1985 (Gema) Miles Davis - Human Nature (Jazz File JF 1001) Miles Davis - The King of Priests (Flashback 07 93 0211) Miles Davis - Pacific Express (Jazz Masters (G) JM 019/20) V.A. - Sun City (Manhattan MHS 91149) V.A. - Sun City (12 inch maxi single) (Manhattan S14 123) Miles Davis - Unissued '85 (On Stage CD/ON 2230)
1986 TOTO - Fahrenheit (Columbia FC 40273) Miles Davis - Tutu (Warner Bros. 25490) Miles Davis - Backyard Ritual (Warner Bros.) Prince - Crucial (H.T.B. Entertainment Group CD 038001) Miles Davis - Full Nelson (12 inch maxi single) (Warner Bros.) Miles Davis - Social Music (Tiki Records (It) TR 02) Miles Davis - Maze (Lunch for Your Ears (E) LFYE 008/09) Miles Davis - Time After Time (Tiki Records (It) TR 03) Miles Davis - High-Energy - Rhythm Attack (M.D. 86) Miles Davis - Street Scenes (Lunch for Your Ears (E) LFYE 010/11)
1987 Miles Davis/Marcus Miller - Siesta (Warner Bros. 25655) Miles Davis - Greek Theater '88 (Jazz Masters (G) JM 004/05) Miles Davis - Scrooged: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (A&M SP 3291) Miles Davis - Antwerp Agitation (no label no number) Prince - Grosse Freiheit 36: Driving to Midnight Mess (Savarage) Scritti Politti - Oh, Patti (Virgin VST 1006)
1988 Cameo - Machismo (Mercury 836 002-2) Miles Davis in Concert '88, Pt. 1 (Jazz Concert MDCD 101) Miles Davis in Concert '88, Pt. 2 (Jazz Concert MDCD 102) Chaka Khan - C.K. (Warner Bros. 25707) Miles Davis Live Around the World (Warner Bros. (J) WPCR 0443) Miles Davis in Warsaw '88 (Poli Jazz (Poland) PSJ X 003) Miles Davis - Amandla (Warner Bros. 25873)
1989 Kenny Garrett - Prisoner of Love (Atlantic 82046) Quincy Jones - Back on the Block (Warner Bros. 26020) Marcus Miller - The Sun Don't Lie (PRA) Miles Davis - Time After Time (Jazz Door (It) JD 1256/57) Miles Davis Band Live Tutu (The Golden Age of Jazz (It) JZCD 375) Miles Davis - Miles in Montreux (Jazz Door (It) JD 1235) Miles Davis Live at Montreux Jazz Festival (Jazz Door (It) JD 1287/88) Miles Davis - Miles in Paris (Four Aces FAR 006)
1990 Miles Davis/Michel Legrand - Dingo (Warner Bros. 26438-2) Miles Davis - The Hot Spot: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Antilles 442 846 813-2) Paolo Rustichelli - Capri (Verve-Forecast 314 517 206-2) Paolo Rustichelli - Mystic Man (Island/Guts & Grace 161 531 065-2) Miles Davis - Sing in Singen (Regency REG 027) Shirley Horn - You Won't Forget Me (Verve 847 482-2)
1991 Miles Davis - Doo-Bop (Warner Bros. 9 26938-2) Miles Davis - Blow/Fantasy (Warner Bros.) Miles Davis - The Doo-Bop Song EP (Warner Bros. (J) WPCP 5066) Miles Davis - Miles and Quincy Live at Montreux (Warner Bros. 2 45221) Miles Davis - Black Devil (Beech Marten (It) BM 053/2)
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